Monday, December 17, 2007

Thinking Not Allowed

Down through the ages we have seen that tyranny never lasts. Yet those in power never learn. Power is addictive the more power one has the more one needs. It's like mounting a tiger and then being afraid to dismount. The fear comes because you are afraid that the tiger will devour you if you dismount. To keep this power you concot all kinds of lies. History is full of these kind of despots. But will people ever learn. The fear of losing their position and power creates fear in these kind of people. That is why they will go to great lengths to deny the general public the truth.

The media carries only their part of the story. The general public is expected to swallow hook line and sinker. This is the 21st century people are capable of thinking for themselves. They can separate the chaff from the grain. Why do we need half wits to tell us how to think. Are we so mentally retarted that we need these kind of chaps to do the thinking and talking for us.

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