Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Who Invented The Parachute

A parachute is a device for slowing one's descent while falling to the ground. The idea of a parachute was a sketch by da Vinci. Da Vinci's drawing was the inspiration for others. From this sketch the idea for a parachute came about. His drawings was a sort of an early blueprint.

Who actually invented the first parachute? Though there have been numerous arguments down the ages. The paracute in reality was invented by a Frenchman. In 1793 Jean Pierre Blanchard, was probably the first person to actually use a parachute. He did this by putting a dog in a basket. To which a parachute was attached from a ballon high up in the air. The dog and the parachute landed safely to the ground.

He was also the first one to invent the foldable parachute. It was made of silk light in weight and reusable. Prior to that parachutes were made of rigid frames. These frames came crashing down on the parachutist. Rendering it inoperable and causing injury to the user. Theirs were nothing but crude devices.

It is good that Jean Pierre Blanchard invented the parachute. Today it is used in military warfare. The two world wars are a testimony to it's usefulness. Troops can be parachuted into enemy territory. Where intelligence gathering can be carried out. Sabotage operations by the airborne troops can be conducted. No army in the world today can do without it. An indespensible device in modern warfare. It can also save the lives of fighter jet pilots.

Part of this information was from the Wikipedia. Part from my recollection from the books that i had read. Particularly from books about the first and second world wars. The Vietnam war and the Arab Israeli conflicts.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Review: Yahoo Answers

In today's fast paced world we are bombarded with so much information. While you sieve through these many questions tends to crop up. They can be any questions like how to polish your shoes to fix your car. You can practically ask questions an any topic. You want some honest answers and unbiased opinions for your questions what do you do? Race to the nearest library each time you want answers? Not necessary for that. You need not fret anymore for there is something called Yahoo Answers.

Yahoo Answers is really simple to use. It's a free service where anyone can answer a question. It comprises a grouping of peolpe asking questions and answering them. Like an entire community all within a click of a mouse. What you are doing is you are conversing with a stranger. This stranger is out of sight so you need not worry about any face to face encounter. It is helpful in that the questions that are popped will get answered. You may find at times that the questions that you want to ask has already been answered. Your questions are not only answered they are educational too. From the questions that you receive your general knowledge too tends to increase. At times it may take a day but it will be answered eventually. I have used this site frequently and it amazes me. I have put in some bizzare and silly questions and it got answered. Although the person answering it may use crude words at times.It can be addictive some times where you want to go on and on. It is a real boon for internet users i suggest everyone visit it at least once.The site also has a points system where you can check for the points.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is the Internet safe?

The internet is not safe thats where predators lurk. When you walk the streets you are able to look to your left and right and all around you. In the internet the person on the other end is not visible. Children are very vulnerable on the internet. There have been many instances where chlidren have been lured.

What kind of risks are there?

The internet is a great learning tool and resource for finding information. But ther are many harmful materials readily available. The risks are multitude in nature. Children can have access to pornography and X - rated material. Predators and paedophiles can entice children. There is totally no parental supervision they are entirely on their own.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Thinking Not Allowed

Down through the ages we have seen that tyranny never lasts. Yet those in power never learn. Power is addictive the more power one has the more one needs. It's like mounting a tiger and then being afraid to dismount. The fear comes because you are afraid that the tiger will devour you if you dismount. To keep this power you concot all kinds of lies. History is full of these kind of despots. But will people ever learn. The fear of losing their position and power creates fear in these kind of people. That is why they will go to great lengths to deny the general public the truth.

The media carries only their part of the story. The general public is expected to swallow hook line and sinker. This is the 21st century people are capable of thinking for themselves. They can separate the chaff from the grain. Why do we need half wits to tell us how to think. Are we so mentally retarted that we need these kind of chaps to do the thinking and talking for us.